Thursday 29 March 2012

Teachers guide to inclusive learning.

Sometimes you might be scratching your head for new and inclusive teaching techniques.

But fear no more as we have some brilliant inclusive new techniques for you to take to the classroom.

Now, not everyone learns the same way - think back to when you were at school, some teachers got the best out of through the way they taught and other teachers just put a confused look on your face. VARK looks at learners preferences V= visual, A= aural, R= read/write K= Kinesthetic. Why not look at this website and find out what type of learner you are  You can even use this to find out what kind of learners your students are.

So here are some tips to try and suit every style of learning:


Video and films are a great technique that can be used to emphasise points you are making. For example, if you were talking about long term effects of alcohol then you can show a video featuring people who have had there lives effected by alcohol. In cases like this it also helps if they are real life scenarios as it shows this can happen in everyday life.

Demonstration falls within two categories visual and kinisthetic. Some learners find seeing how something is done a lot easier. For example if you were on a mechanic course, you would show them how to change a tyre rather than talking them through it.


Aural could be described as a very pedagogical as it is very much learning through listening.
Lecture style is the tutor delivering information at the front of the class, this could also be mixed with question and answers, this way it is still aural but it involves the group at the same time.

Learner led group discussion is a technique that can be used where the you allow the learners to lead the discussion or learner led presentation is similar and allows the learners to research a topic and deliver it to a group.

Read and write

Delphi Technique is a great example of inclusive learning as it takes away the fear of answering incorrectly. Learners write their answer on a sticky note with all answers staying anonymous, this allows the tutor to get the consensus of the group.

Cloze is a __________  used where a portion of the ________ is missing. The learner must then ________ in the __________ word. Cloze tests require an element of knowledge and __________  in order to select the ____________ word.

understanding                 text                     missing                fill           blank            technique


Learners can take up an acting role part in a role play, this could be used to demonstrate how they would react in a real life situation.

Demonstrations and practical activity are skills based tasks or the tutor showing the learners how to do something, a great way to break up your lessons.

Something you also need to do is to make sure your class is inclusive for any physical disabilities that learners may have, this goes from room layout and any activities that you have planned.

This kind of information can be obtained through initial assessment such as an enrolment form. Once this has been done, it might be necessary to have a chat with the learner about what there needs would be. They might not need a lot of support but may be necessary to change some of your activities to make sure everyone can take part.
So, remember, not everyone learns in the same way so it is really important to include lots of different learning techniques to make it an inclusive learning environment.


  1. This is a really good start Ben, I like the way you have approached this assignment (particuarly the 'cloze', that works really well!) Can you expand your answer so that it includes other aspects of inclusion? For example the good discussions we had in class regarding the wheelchair user and how techniques could have been selected to meet their needs more effectively?

  2. Well done Ben, this now meets the assessment criteria. You have explained the process of how to select teaching and learning methods that meet the needs of individuals in an inclusive manner.

